Friday, February 23, 2007

I drown in a puddle of tears....

All my pictures.... my brushes, my photoshops.... my everything, GONE... my hard drive is fried says mdg.... my heart litterally sank into my toes.... i have no backups of all my pictures, Elden's life in pictures is gone, the last 4 years of my life is gone, my wedding, eldens birth, my husband and i meeting, our memories EVERYTHING is gone....

im so depressed :(

On another note, Elden got his hair chopped off today... of course, i took pictures and i think my camera will be fused to me face for much of the next few weeks in fear of losing any more memories... i should have backed them up, i was backing them up last week and i ruined 20 blank cds because they kept spitting out with errors....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG... this is any scrapbooker's nightmare... to lose everything like that. :( I'm so sorry that it happened to you Lisa. :( I don't know what to say. I can't imagine... It drove me mad when I thought that I had lost a photo session once, and it was only one day of pictures, not many years. Sending big hugs your way.