Friday, February 23, 2007

I drown in a puddle of tears....

All my pictures.... my brushes, my photoshops.... my everything, GONE... my hard drive is fried says mdg.... my heart litterally sank into my toes.... i have no backups of all my pictures, Elden's life in pictures is gone, the last 4 years of my life is gone, my wedding, eldens birth, my husband and i meeting, our memories EVERYTHING is gone....

im so depressed :(

On another note, Elden got his hair chopped off today... of course, i took pictures and i think my camera will be fused to me face for much of the next few weeks in fear of losing any more memories... i should have backed them up, i was backing them up last week and i ruined 20 blank cds because they kept spitting out with errors....


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Best Day EVER

Elden went potty TWICE, by potty i mean poopy and all by himself, i am so frigen proud, i love my booooy!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday the 20th was my husbands birthday, unfortunatly he had to spend it in NH without me.... i miss him so much when hes gone, i wish this immigration stuff was easier...

we went to boston pizza tomight fordiner and out of nowhere, Elden starting saying "boobies" really loud and grabbing my boobs in the restaurant, now given, im mostly pading anyways it was still rather embarrasing! where does he get this stuff! and since i laughed, it egged him on and he wouldnt stop.. ahhhh the joys....

im sore from the gym but i have to go back... im determined to be hot again damnit! and i hate wrting on this laptop cause im always hitting the wrong keys grrrr and my real computers monitor is flaking out on me so i dont have a real computer waaaaaa.

but its still the best day ever because elden is finally getting the potty thing :)
love my boy Elden and i miss you Dan and Kaity

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Welcome to Sunday, my semi day off... Elden is at his daddy's today until 7:30.... i was aching for a break, needed some mommy time. I love my boy, and he loves me... a lot... like has to be doing everything mommy is doing no mater what it is, this includes going potty GAAAAAH

But on my day off, i became ambitious, partly because my friend is this great healthy body builder, which i am so not, and she lent me her clean eating book, so yeah i read it and pretty much thought, impossible, not gonna happen, but im just gonna implement a few clean things in it from the recipies i like... so today i roasted zuchini! yum! i basically just ate the equivalent to 3 zuchs... they are so good this way! love love love.... im also gonna make a low fat almost Tziki (spelling? anyone?) like dip out of some of them... now i just gotta get my ass back to the gym...

This lovely cutie up there stole my pig! he came to bed last night cuddling it, and saying mommy piggy is my favorite, i love him! I've had this piggy for a few years now, he was originally bought for an ex boyfriend of mine and we collected them over the years, but piggy was the first and now my son has adopted him.... i think its sooooooo cute, had to take pictures.... so this is them watching tv... :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Wow, i so don't have the initiative to learn how to do this, how to put a picture in my Header... blah.... maybe ill beg someone to do it for me....

See, even the picture is sideways! haha... Well today was a boring saturday, I did a few page elements for a swap, finally touching my supplies felt great, and not i just have to make MORE room to do at least a few layouts tomorow...

Elden is still not poopy trained, but hey, the kid pees great... Im told this is normal, but considerably frustrating....

This is him tearing me away from my scrapping, he came in screaming "mommy mommy a kite!" uh huh... ok El, its like -30 degrees out... but, low and behold there was a huge red kite flying across the street!... Love you buddy, you always find the exciting in the dull...