Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome to Dec. 2009

Haha im at school right now, and figured id post, sitting with Dave, Paige and Chris! didn't even remember I had a blog!

Tims doing the tags again, Im still working for buns plus a crafting class... 3rd semester of highschool (even though I graduated last June ;) ) just signed up for Media, DRAMA and comm tech. should be a fun semester!

Elden is growing like a weed, including his little brain, which can now read, write and talk back to mommy!

Have met a bunch of awsome people this year and made some friends I hope to keep for life. Dave, Nick, Maura, Paige, Maxim, Chris, Sean, James (yeah shut yup the lot of you, he's still important to me) Tammy, Mike... there are so many! and a bunch of cool people who just make school so damn fun, i never wanna leave, but ill eventually have to start my life... still debating on an art career or teaching, give me your thoughts if you have any!

cya m'loves and don't forget to smile!

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